It's day 32 of quarantine.
Yes, I've been in isolation for roughly a month now.
Today might be your 5th OR 98th day.
Quarantine for you might mean:
I go to work with a skeletal staff and back home
I go out daily for food, exercise and other activities, but practice social distancing
I only go out for groceries
I'm locked in my room away from the rest of my family
I'm in the hospital and trying to recover
I'm home all day every day
Whichever one you are, it's okay.
It won't last.
I'm not here to focus on fear. I'm here to promote love and radiate wellness and healing. I want you to get through this time, and though we are apart, we can get through this TOGETHER.
To do this we have to keep our minds occupied. Our bodies too.
So whether you've just started your quarantine period or you've exhausted your options of 'What to do' with your unlimited time, HERE LIES...
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Note: You may only be able to do some of these depending on your situation
Update your resume
Spend the day in your yard with some fresh air and nature
Start a daily journal. Find journal prompts and answer thee questions (Google/ Pinterest)
Do a hair care treatment
Go down memory lane with a photo album or your many-year-old photos on social media.
Try out some new recipes in the kitchen
Go for a drive out
Do some yoga
Create a watch list of movies on Netflix
Call up your friends on a video chat (Whatsapp, Zoom, Facetime)
Start a skincare routine. Make a home-made body scrub. Use it and moisturize after
Start that business
Cleaning project. Target a room per day; you have time in your favour
Try gardening
Read lots of self-development books (or any kind of books for that matter)
Start a YouTube Channel
Sort through your wardrobe, get rid of the unnecessaries and reorganize (color coordinate if you will)
Make a homemade hand sanitizer, but be careful not to mix strong chemicals together)
Play games with family or housemates (board games, video games, ALL the games)
Write letters to your loved ones
Eat lots of healthy foods
Download audiobooks or podcasts to listen to
Help out small businesses and order something online
Learn to play a musical instrument
Create a bucket list
Download an app to track habits and monitor productivity
Practise positive thinking
Go live on Instagram. Haha, everybody's doing it now, not just celebrities
Find an online course
Drink more water
Go for a walk in your neighbourhood
Check-in on at least 5 people a day. Stay in touch
Watch documentaries
Play dress up. It's no longer a kiddies game #dontrushchallenge
Record your days of isolation by writing or with videos, pictures or a podcast
Download music
Do a social media detox for a day or a few. Flooding our consciousness with bad news and comparing our lives with our followed accounts is the main source of our mental distress. Disconnect from the noise
Start a new hobby
Catch up on your subscribed to Youtube Channels
Have a spa day
Learn a new language
Play with your pets
Create a Pinterest account and start saving things you like or want to know. This can take up a good amount of your time
Binge-watch your favourite series
Create a vision board
Turn up your music and dance
Plan a trip for when this is all over
Blow up a kiddies pool and sit in it
Read your Holy book (the Bible for me) or do a morning devotional
Do a DIY Project
Declutter and create a charity box with useful items
Take part in some fun Instagram challenges
Take a bubble bath
Clean your exercise equipment (yoga mats, machines, resistance bands) Sweat and dust buildup is a thing. RIP to my old resistance bands
Listen to your favorite music
Create playlists (Spotify or YouTube)
Draft a 2/5/10 year plan. Picture your future self
Take naps. Lots n' lots of 'em. ZZzzz
Adopt a new skill
Do a social media cleanse. Go through and unfollow accounts you don't like or want anymore
Write a letter to your past and future self
Declutter your phone apps
Practise breathing and relaxation techniques. This will be useful in keeping anxieties and fears in check.
Plan and organize your finances
Try a natural juice cleanse
Create a photo collage or photo album
Back up important documents on a hard drive or online drive (iCloud or Google Drive)
Have an ironing day. Not because you're not going out often or at all means your clothes should sit crumpled in your closet
Clean your jewelry
Learn how to apply a fully made-up face and even do a makeup tutorial if you're successful
Write a book
Give ur car a detailed wash. Don't go to a car wash
Play an outdoor sport or games in your yard (wall tennis, football/soccer, ride a bike/scooter, hopscotch and more)
Do some work from home
Make your own latte variations
Create rules for your own card game
Visit your shoe closet and clean, especially those that you haven't worn in a while. You don't want them to abandon you when you finally decide to go out after this is all over.
See what I've been doing during my quarantine life:
Go Subscribe
We have all the time on our hands now.
We needed it. We were granted it. Don't waste it.
Be productive (whether it be for work, for your business, for your health, for your mental well-being, for your relationships)
Tell us what you've been doing during the quarantine. Leave a comment down below. We'd love to hear from you. Stay safe and stay indoors.
All my love,
